Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Taking Care of Skin During School: A Study Guide Part 2

Here's Part 2 of the stressful skin series!  Let's get right into it.

When you're too busy studying, and when you get so incredibly into it, you forget to eat or drink (once again...extremely guilty!).  I'm not going to say "remember to eat healthy and have plenty of fruits and vegetables," because we all know college students live on Ramen Noodles and Pop Tarts.  All I'm saying is: don't forget to eat!  It's happened many a time to me where my head is throbbing and I just feel faint and then it dawns on me that the only thing I had to eat all day was a Clif bar.  Don't fall into that trap!  I also recommend having a bottle of water by your side at all times.  It reminds you to drink just by seeing it, and it's an easy way to stay hydrated all day long.  

Lastly, take breaks.  Don't kill yourself studying for hours on end (trust me, it doesn't work).  Take a shower, relax, put on a face mask, listen to music. Clear your mind.  

I know this isn't too much more about skin, but keeping yourself hydrated and taking breaks to calm yourself down will greatly help your skin. 

Now stop reading this and go study! 

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