Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Motivation #1

Hello and welcome to my new series, Monday Motivation!  Who doesn't need motivation on Mondays, right??  I haven't decided how many posts will be in this series, but I'm thinking about 15.  So, I'll be posting something motivational and offering some life lessons that I've learned along my way to where I am today. And even if just one person gets something out of this, I'll feel like this was worth it. So, here goes!

This comes from Pinterest, and I think it's the perfect way to start this series.  Don't place limits on yourself.  I know how hard this is, because I build the highest, most solid walls around myself.  But what's harder than building those walls is breaking them down.  So my advice is to never build them in the first place.  Believe that you can do anything, because it's the truth.  You can.  

The only way that you won't get somewhere is because you place obstacles in your own way.  Of course nothing is easy, but you can't let things get in your way.  You can't let them stop you.  I know that for me, I'm my own worst enemy.  And I know I'm not the only one who thinks this about themselves.  Sometimes one of the hardest things you have to do is get out of your own way.

But trust me, once you do, everything changes for the better.  I'm not saying I'm perfect; nobody is.  And I'm still very much in my own way.  But especially this past summer, for the first time, I did get out of my own way, if only for a small amount of time.  And now, I'm starting to get back in my own way, and things...well things aren't going too well again.  So, from my personal experience, I've learned that the worst thing you can do to yourself is place limits on yourself.  The worst thing you can do is tell yourself that you're not good enough.  Because if you don't believe in yourself, who will?

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